If your horse is strung out at the trot or is ‘downhill’ when loping, it’s not only uncomfortable for you, it’s also uncomfortable for your horse. These problems are the result of tension, imbalance and poor posture. The good news is that they can be corrected with simple riding exercises that don’t require any gadgets.

The foundation for all gaits is relaxation, balance and rhythm. Without relaxation, the horse cannot be focused, balanced or maintain a consistent rhythm. With relaxation, the horse can begin to use his hindquarters, core and back, which improve his balance and his way of going.

The first step with any training or behavioural issue is to determine the source of the problem. Eliminate any possible physical problem or discomfort in the body. Check that the saddle and bit fit correctly. These steps may require the help of a professional such as your veterinarian, a body worker, farrier, and saddle fitter.
