One of the biggest myths of sport psychology is that it encourages athletes to think, think, think. Ironically, a lot of thinking is actually not so great for your performance. While it’s the left brain that assists us in analysis, it’s the right side that puts everything together. Have you ever noticed how your very best performances had that “flow” quality? That’s because you let go and allowed things to happen. The right brain helps you to trust in your training, allowing your instincts and muscle memory to do what you know how to do. By “thinking too much” things tend to fall apart. This breakdown is referred to as paralysis by analysis.

Paralysis by analysis frequently happens when we are nervous; an unfortunate part of the flight-or-fight syndrome. Your body pumps more blood to your major muscles, acid floods your stomach, and your left-brain starts chattering away at you, saying, “I’ve analyzed this and it doesn’t look good for you” or “What if you arrive at the next fence too short or too long?” Pretty soon that chatter turns into reality and you choke.

There are a number of strategies you can implement to combat paralysis by analysis. They all involve the activation of your right hemisphere, aka “performing in your right mind”:
