Recently, a group of experienced riders between the ages of 45 and 65, were out on a leisurely hack when the discussion turned to how adventuresome their riding had been when they were younger and how some, particularly the women in the group, found themselves more cautious now. While none were ready to give up hacking, several suggested that riding outside of the ring was not always their first choice these days. As one rider put it, when she turned 50 things just got a bit scarier.

This shift in bravado can be confusing, frustrating and downright embarrassing for seasoned riders. Some can find it difficult to muster the courage to confront their physical and mental blocks in the saddle.

You’re Not Alone

Mature equestrians are similar to many other athletes in that they may struggle with decreased physical strength as well as fitness and flexibility issues (Did someone shorten my stirrups?). One topic, however, that is frequently ignored is the increased anxiety and, in some cases, fear that can begin to invade the self-assured rider as they approach their senior years.
