“What do Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and three men in a dressage class all have in common?” asks Ivan Todosijczuk. “They’re all figments of our imagination.” Ivan and fellow riders Stephen Hill and Locke Boros came up with this quip a few years ago during a lesson after a couple of women took a second glance while walking past the arena at Edmonton’s Whitemud Equine Learning Centre.

Although the joke doesn’t quite ring true (everyone knows Santa Claus is real) there is something at the heart of it. To give the gawkers credit, the scene would be considered unusual at a lot of barns. The three equestrians were, well … men, riding English, and of what Stephen calls “a certain vintage.”

The three took up the sport in their late 50s at Whitemud, a landmark stable located in the heart of the city. They were brought together when Locke, retired from his job, was looking for a daytime lesson to join. Staff suggested an appropriate fit might be with Stephen and Ivan. And the ‘Three Amigos,’ as Ivan dubbed their little crew, was born. For about two years, they rode regularly on Mondays. And while different schedules and objectives mean the three mount up together only occasionally now, they all still ride, embracing the physical and mental benefits of the sport that obviously aren’t the reserve of the young.
