In many ways, Dr. Orlaith Cleary has been working as a veterinarian for a long as she can remember. Growing-up in County Laois, Ireland, Cleary was four years old when she began accompanying her veterinarian father on his local rounds. A dedicated assistant, the pre-schooler would carry cattle medicine, man the gates of livestock pens and once, even resuscitated a lamb that had been born without vital signs.

“I just took it upon myself to help that lamb,” said Cleary. “I performed CPR because I had watched my dad do it with other deliveries and the lamb lived. That was my claim to fame for a long time.”

During her first day of school, Cleary told her classmates she was going to become a veterinarian when she grew-up, so it surprised no one when, 14 years later, she began her studies in veterinary medicine 96 kilometers from home at University College in Dublin.
