Information Overload

Every day, we’re bombarded by information. When the first radio broadcasts came crackling over the airwaves at the beginning of the last century, there were many thinkers (mostly people who sold books and newspapers, mind you) who lamented that the …

Tips for Bridling a Head Shy Horse

Building trust and confidence with a head shy horse takes time, patience and consistency. Treat his head and neck with great respect, never pushing, pulling or hitting him there. When you are grooming him or just hanging out, take the …

How Can I Cure “Girthiness?”

To prevent (and hopefully cure) girthiness/cinchiness, be polite as you get it tight. You may just eliminate one reason not to stand in the cross-ties!

If you’ve ever been surprised by the point of a dental instrument, you know it …

Sport of Queens

Sport of Queens Racing has launched its first option to buy into the club and become a race horse owner. Keep reading for more information.

Now That’s An Adventure

The young teen with a feathered mustache shuffled over to me, his eyes slightly down cast as he tried to shove the lead rope in my hands. Reflexively, I sighed and waved him off. I’d already ridden 100 kilometres today …

Rider Fitness: Cardio & Core

Studies show the more fun you make exercise, the better choices you make relative to nutrition and the better results you will feel and experience overall.

The Lightness of Being

In previous articles, we have discussed many ways in which you can influence your horse’s mind. This time, we will talk about the physical aspects of manoeuvring your horse’s body in order to achieve an even greater level of balance, …

Tendons: Injuries & Healing

Many horse owners can point to a tendon on their horses’ legs, but aren’t quite sure what it is. In anatomical terms, a tendon is a connective cord made of collagen that joins a muscle to a bone. A ligament …