Obesity and overweight horses are becoming increasingly common, with some studies reporting that more than 50 per cent of horses today are overweight, with upwards of 20 per cent being obese. Obesity is usually defined as a body condition score greater than 7, with a horse being considered overweight if it is greater than 6, on the nine-point Henneke scale.

Similar to humans, accumulation of adipose tissue (fat) in horses results in an inflammatory process that is associated with several adverse health conditions – such as insulin resistance, equine metabolic syndrome, laminitis, reproductive problems, joint and orthopedic issues and work or exercise intolerance.

Also similar to humans, weight (fat) loss in horses is achieved when the horse expends more calories than he consumes, and this can be accomplished by decreasing calorie (energy) intake, increasing energy expenditure through work or exercise or, ideally, a combination of both.
