Older horses, older than 20, are typically considered “senior” or “geriatric,” but even horses younger than this may have age-related changes that warrant some feeding modifications.

Because horses’ teeth are a finite length/size, and continue to erupt from their jaw and gumline throughout life, eventually there will come a time where there is little tooth left, and the teeth may fall out altogether. This clearly poses a challenge as to what a horse may eat, because it will affect the chewing and grinding ability, making the consumption of coarse feeds, such as long-stem hay, difficult. Regular dental checks from your veterinarian are increasingly important as your horse ages.

Older horses also tend to have changes in their social hierarchy, and may be lower in social rank than during their younger years. Therefore, it may be important to keep older horses together, and feed them their concentrates (and even forages or all feeds, depending on the situation) individually, to ensure they are actually getting what they should be.
