The moment you saw the desperation in his eyes, you knew that unwanted horse was coming home with you. It didn’t matter that he was underweight, neglected or forgotten; all that mattered was that he now had a home and you had found a new friend. Now that you’ve taken on the challenges of a rescue horse, how do you begin forming a partnership and proving that humans can be trusted after all?

Renowned horseman, Josh Nichol, explains the challenges most commonly faced when adopting a rescue horse and offers training suggestions to get your journey off to a promising start. These exercises can, in fact, be beneficial when working with any horse who is fearful or aggressive, rescue or not. The first step, of course, is to consult a veterinarian before beginning any work with your new partner.

Getting Started

“To avoid becoming overwhelmed, it’s important to first take a moment to decide whether or not this type of project is for you,” said Nichol. “An experienced trainer with patience and compassion can be an invaluable asset to help you deal with the heightened unpredictability of a rescue horse.”
