Learn how to separate the facts from fiction when it comes to colic in horses, and how to give your horse the best chance of survival.
While most horses are capable of withstanding cold temperatures at rest, when you add exercise, their tolerance may not be as high as you’d expect.
Just because you heard it, doesn’t mean it’s true. We bust seven of the most popular myths about caring for horses in the cold weather.
Biotic 8 contains probiotics for digestion, to encourage proliferation of beneficial microorganisms in the hindgut and prevent growth of harmful bacteria.
Riding in forests and long grass leaves you and your horse vulnerable to ticks. Find out how to deal with them, and reduce the risk of Lyme disease.
Mosquitos can carry West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis, which can cause major health concerns horses.
Get expert advice on developing a plan to maintain your horse’s joint health and slow the progression of equine arthritis and other inflammation.
Choke in horses refers to an esophageal obstruction, which can be life-threatening if not treated right away. Learn how to prevent it.
The equine mouth is a dark cavern of mystery. Luckily, there are some outward signs and symptoms that can help you spot when dental work is needed.
While many horse owners opt to have a veterinarian administer injections during an annual checkup, you can do it yourself, if you prefer.
While travelling to shows with your horse is an adventure, there are steps you should take to ensure he arrives in top shape, and prevent shipping fever.
A recent study shows that head-tossing is not the same as head-shaking, which is related to hypersensitivity of the trigeminal nerve in the horse’s head.
Laminitis is a debilitating condition in horses involving inflammation of the laminae in the hoof, with numerous causes. Find out how to prevent it.
What you need to know about Equine Influenza and how to protect your horses from the highly contagious disease – from vaccinations to biosecurity measures.
Some early veterinary treatments and procedures ranged from the bizarre to the horrific. Here are some of the quack cures inflicted on horses.