The way a horse’s body is put together is called his conformation. Conformation varies from breed to breed and horse to horse, but certain qualities are desirable and certain faults, not so much, no matter what kind of horse you have or what kind of riding you do.

To evaluate a horse’s conformation, make sure he’s standing on a flat surface, with his weight squarely on his four feet. Stand back a few steps so you can see his general shape. Observe him from both sides, and from front and rear. Then move closer and examine every part of his body carefully.

The Head

A horse’s head should be attractive and proportional to his body, not too large and heavy, nor too small. The forehead should be broad, the eyes large and well set out at the side of the head. The ears should be active, small to medium in size and set wide. The upper and lower teeth should meet when biting. In profile, the nose is usually straight, but there are variations on the classic head:
