Everyone knows horses are a huge financial, physical and emotional responsibility. But there is one responsibility that is often overlooked, the responsibility that is as important as it is unpleasant. However tough that decision may be, it’s the most compassionate thing we can do for the horses we love. As owners, we need to know when it’s time to let them go, but each situation is unique and every owner must make that painful decision based on their own circumstances and those of the horse. There are no simple answers.

It may seem morbid, but it is always better to have a plan than to suddenly have to make life-altering decisions under stress and a time crunch. Following are some factors to consider.

How to Know When to Let Your Horse Go

We would all like to believe that our horses will tell us when, and sometimes they do, but often because of their instincts, horses will keep on going, even when they are in considerable pain. The most obvious reasons to euthanize are severe or chronic pain, grievous injury or illness, but there are other, admittedly difficult, but valid reasons.
