We don’t need an expert or study to tell us that sharing our lives with a horse, pony, donkey or any combination thereof, makes us happier. We know the feeling of joy we get just being at the stable. And let’s face it, horses have a great sense of humour too, as proven by these photos and videos from social media.


When your Horse’s Pillow Sums up Life in 2020

When They Look Like You Feel after a Late Night

They Show Off at a Show, But Not in the Ring.


When Horses Crave Carbs


When their Make-up Skills are Better than Yours


They Show Up Uninvited


They Teach Us Optimism


They are Road Warriors


They know how to Photobomb:


They Steal Attention from the Bride:


They Express Our Inner Feelings about Life


They Let You Know When You Get It Wrong…


They’ve Got Your Back



They Amuse Themselves and You…



They Give Kisses When You Need It Most…