There are countless young women and men who would embrace a career in the horse industry. But some either do not come from a horse background or didn’t grow up on a farm in a rural area and working with equines may seem like an unattainable goal. But that’s about to change for Ontario residents with the introduction this January of the Ontario Equine Education & Employment Program (OEEEP).

The program, which includes online courses followed by job placement, was created by the Ontario Harness Horse Association in response to a dearth of skilled horse labour. Back in 2012, the provincial government of the day decimated the industry by ending the revenue from slots and other gambling machines installed at the tracks. “The industry lost approximately $345 million per year in revenue,” explains OHHA president Jim Whelan, referring to both harness racing and Thoroughbred racing. And with that lost revenue came lost jobs, with many skilled horse women and men forced out of an industry they loved to take other employment.

But now the racing industry is stabilized and according to Whelan, there was a need to replace workers for the various jobs that have been historically challenging to fill. After all, it takes a certain person to want to work long hours in all sorts of weather, filling buckets, mucking stalls, and dealing with unpredictable animals. We know these types of people; we are those types of people: horse people.
