This article will provide readers with some valuable information to help perform both intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.
In this article readers can get a better understanding of how to develop an effective deworming program and avoid drug resistance.
Bandaging your horse’s limb when there is a wound does more than keep it clean. The bandage can prevent further trauma to the area, and more.
In order to avoid over-medicating our horses and to prevent resistance to deworming medications, deworming programs are being recommended.
Improved diagnostic techniques offer veterinarians a clearer view of this complex, debilitating disease known as navicular syndrome.
Disruptions to the microbial population can lead to a variety of ailments. While researchers work to understand this largely uncharted territory, you can help keep your horse in good health by feeding a carefully balanced diet.
As herbivores, horses consume …
C. difficile infection is sometimes a tricky illness to treat because it is treated with antibiotics, which can further upset the gut flora.
Being the active – yet fragile – animals they are, horses are subject to a variety of lumps and bumps, such as bone spavin, hives, and more.
As your horse moves through his senior years, he'll likely need changes in his environment and routines to keep him happy and healthy.
Few, if any, areas of scientific study have captured the imagination of medicine and the masses alike as definitively as that of stem cell research.
Proud flesh is an exuberant growth of granulation tissue, which is highly fibrous, full of small blood vessels and designed to help in the healing process.
This article highlights joint supplements and how they can be a very useful strategy for protecting your horse against cartilage damage.
The pros and cons of using complementary therapies, with advice on how to do so safely, from traditional vets and alternative therapists.
Did you know horses can get hernias too? Find out what to do if you notice a bulge on your horse’s body, how to manage a hernia, and more.
Conformation varies from breed to breed and horse to horse, but certain qualities are desirable and certain faults, not so much.