Discipline: 3-Day Eventing
Date of birth: October 28, 1958
Height: 5’9
Home: Port Perry, Ontario
Marital Status: married; Kelly
What do you do to keep fit?
In the summer Ian stays quite fit with riding the horses on his farm. In the
winter Ian swims lengths – 220m/min. If the weather is good and time permits he also likes to ski.
If you did not become a
professional rider, what field would you have gone into?
“I have NO idea!” Ian used to build jumps for a while.
What kind of car do you drive?
Ian drives a navy blue F250 4×4 extended cab Ford truck. If he drove a car it
would be a Volvo P1800 – he used to have one years ago and would love one again.
What is the coolest place you have
ever visited? Why? When?
Ian went to New Zealand last year and found the country very diverse, “every
area seemed so different. People were very friendly, even though they were all
extremely competitive.” The weather is also much better there!
Where do you want to see yourself
in five years, not only with regard to horses?
“I hope I am still doing what I am doing now…without any traumatic
changes, riding training and teaching.”
Tell us about your first pony.
His first mount was actually a donkey named Cello!!! Ian’s first actual pony was
a 3 year old Welsh “a typical white, fuzzy ball of a pony…a little
Who is someone you have never met,
in or out of the horse industry that you would love to meet? Why?
Richard Meade – Ian saw him once on cross country, “the way he galloped…so
fast, so still…picture of incredible motion and so fluid.”
If you could be granted one wish
what would it be that you would wish for?
“Probably to be able to continue what I am doing right now.”
(I think he meant his business…not talking to me!)
What is your favorite quote and who
said it?
“The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.” – Winston
What is something you have done in your life that you truly regret?
Ian hasn’t done anything too recently that he regrets, but he has in the past
brought horses back from injury too fast and pushed some too fast that he wishes
he had not done. He hopes he has learned his lesson!
What is one of your worst habits?
It depends who you ask. His students think “he yells!” Ian says,
” I have probably been known to raise my voice a little, but that isn’t my
worst habit…I am a little too ready to speak my mind.”
If you were able to give back to
the equestrian industry in some way, how would you do that?
He tries whenever to help out people; give opinions on horses, courses, etc. He
does do work with the Young Riders and tries to make himself available to them
at shows if they need advice.
In your opinion, what is Canada
lacking to make itself at the top of the international rankings?
We need, ” more quality riders at the upper levels.” The sport also
“needs more horses available to the quality riders.” Ian feels that
people do not recognize “that there is a difference between advanced horses
and riders and horse and riders that can ‘get through’ an advanced course.”
In Canada, there are not people supplying horses to our riders as there are in
other countries. The riders in the United States and New Zealand all have
financial backers for their horses, where as here most riders must find and
purchase their own.
Do you have any good luck charms or
superstitions that you live by? What?
Ian is not a very superstitious person. He used to have a certain pair of socks
he’d always wear, “but they are long gone now!” There is a horseshoe
in one of his tack trunks that goes to the show with him but if that particular
trunk doesn’t come to a show he “forgets all about it! So I guess it really
isn’t too important.”
What are your biggest pet peeves?
“******* drivers that try to pass horse trailers, they jeopardize me and
themselves. ”
What do you do to relieve stress
before a big competition?
“I can get quite short tempered and unpleasant to be around. I try to put
stuff in perspective; in the big picture it [the competition] isn’t too
important…and I have a beer!”
Of all of your past horses, which
one did you enjoy the most?
“I always try to enjoy the one I have now the most.” But…he did
mention Invicta, a 15.3hh TB gelding that he competed with at the advanced
level. He was bought at a local auction and “had the biggest heart.”
Who are your up and coming horses?
Shermatic – A 13 year-old 16.1hh gray TB from New Zealand. He is competing
advanced and has done one CCI***.
Mata Riki – Another New Zealand bred TBX. He is a 7 year-old, 16.1hh gelding. He
is competing at Intermediate this season and “is Radnor bound”, says
What do you get out of coaching?
Ian gets a “thrill out of watching students starting as beginners and
developing to, hopefully, as far as they can go.” A lot of coaches feel
threatened by their students beating them but Ian says, ” I don’t mind
being beaten by my kids – It shows me I am doing something right.”
What has been the most embarrassing
moment you have had in riding?
Last year at Checkmate Ian was all dressed in top hat and tails warming up for
dressage when the horse he was on began to act up and Ian came off. The horse
then decided to gallop THROUGH the dressage ring while ANOTHER horse was IN