The stunning black horses of the King’s Guard stationed outside St. James Palace have made headlines lately for biting, shall we say, ignorant tourists who cannot seem to read the posted warning signs. Some of these videos have gone viral.

But recently one guard did a very sweet thing that has gone a long way to prove just how amazing these horses and their riders are.

In a video posted to YouTube (see below), a young woman in a wheelchair is brought near the horse and guard for a photo op. A man who is pushing the wheelchair is careful and respectfully doesn’t get too close. No doubt he read the sign that clearly states “Beware, horses may kick or bite.” (and really, how hard is that to figure out?)

But as the young people pose, the guard sees the disabled tourist and gives his horse the aids to move forward. And in a touching moment, he moves his horse a few steps to the woman and her family so that they get the perfect photo.

During the photo op, the horse can be seen to gently nibble the air as the man gently pets the horse’s nose. The young disabled woman’s expression is sheer joy at seeing the horse up close. In the video the words “thank you!” are heard repeatedly from the family and the guard quietly reins back his horse into position.