One of the most well-known wild horses on the Outer Banks in North Carolina has passed away at the age of 25. The chestnut mare known as Daisy (aka Snowcone) was found “behaving abnormally” and according to a post on the Corolla Wild Horse Fund (CWHF) Facebook page was “unable and/or unwilling to stand up and move.” A vet gave her pain medication and the next day she was transported to a nearby rescue farm for further testing and treatment.

On October 15, while bloodwork was sent to the lab, and having been made as comfortable as possible, the mare passed away on her own during the night. A state lab in Raleigh performed a necropsy which found evidence of “chronic cardiac and liver changes along with several other conditions indicative of old age.” There was nothing in the results that indicated “acute illness, communicable disease, toxicity, or anything else along those lines.”

According to the post, Daisy’s “distinctive blaze made her recognizable, and was how she got the name Snowcone. She was big and bossy – a chestnut mare through and through.” The group adds that Daisy had several foals, and now that a DNA sample is available, they can identify her offspring in the future. “Daisy certainly lived and died on her own terms, but we’re glad that we were at least able to make her last few hours pain-free.”