If you have noticed that shavings are harder to find, cost more, and take longer to arrive at your barn, you are not alone. The slowed production or even closure at lumber mills across Canada, especially in BC and Quebec, is responsible, and those in the bedding industry are warning that it is going to get worse.

Thomas Harbom from Champion Shavings, which has 10 plants across the country and in the US and a head office in Ontario, says “We’re seeing the same problem almost everywhere.” Shavings are a byproduct of the lumber industry, and when there is less demand for lumber, whether for housing or export, the immediate effect is that there are fewer offcuts to make shavings with. Harbom advises that price and availability always fluctuate depending on the price per board foot, which affects the byproduct industry including those who make shavings for horses, or pellets for bedding or wood stoves, or even particle boards, all of which are made of compressed shavings.

“When the market tightens up the way it is right now, the price per board foot is down so there is no incentive to mill more wood. There is a glut of finished pre-cut wood inventory on the market, which has driven the price down and contributed to the slowdown. Some mills have laid off several shifts and some of them have shuttered altogether.”
