For one collector, a childhood obsession with the My Little Pony franchise has led to an entire room full of the little critters.

As reported in The New York Post, Beatrice Salt, a 27-year-old English woman, has amassed a collection of 580 of the toys which she uses as emotional support, explaining in the article, “I used to get bullied about anything possible at school, so the collection gave me something to focus on,” she said. “It was kind of therapy for me. I never used to tell anyone about it, but now I know it is nothing to be embarrassed about.”

However, Salt, who became a fan in 1996 when at the age of three she was given her first My Little Pony as a present, admits that she has chosen the needs of her collection over more traditional ones, such as buying a house. “I have been known to prioritize ponies over things I need,” she said. “Some days are more difficult than others and there’s only one thing that can cheer me up, which is a pony.”
