A wild foal has an Albertan man named Dustin to thank for savings its life. It was all captured on dramatic video footage by a bystander, Debbie McGauran, who had travelled with her grandson from Calgary to view wild horses.

According to the story that ran on Global News, several people were in the vicinity to film and photograph the horses in an area known as Mountain Aire Lodge near Sundre, which lies approximately 120 kilometres northwest of Calgary. It was in the afternoon that McGauran’s grandson spotted the baby horse and its mother up on a steep hillside. The foal lost its footing and fell, becoming entangled in brush near the edge of a cliff.

As seen in the video, Dustin climbs up, waiting to ensure the mare keeps a safe distance, as he frees the foal by pulling it up the hill by its forelegs. The foal is seen to be okay and standing on its own before Dustin leaves them alone.

Not on the video, but reported by Global, apparently the mare and foal made it safely to the bottom of the hill where a herd of wild horses awaited them. While the public is usually strongly discouraged from approaching, touching or feeding wild horses, we will give Dustin a pass in this instance.