UPDATE: On February 4, 2019, Robert Hugh Cornell was also charged with regard to the Alberta SPCA investigation. He faces a total of 27 charges, with nine charges each of causing an animal to be in distress, failing to provide adequate food and water, and failing to provide adequate care when an animal is ill or wounded.

ORIGINAL POST: Patricia Lynn Moore made headlines at the beginning of January, when 65 horses and six dogs were removed from her property. She was charged by both the Alberta SPCA and the RCMP for cruelty against animals, but Moore is no stranger to the court system.

In 2002, Moore filed suit against the Alberta SPCA and a peace officer, claiming $1.5-million in punitive damages, as she “suffered economic loss by reason of dogs having been seized” by the officer. The suit was dismissed. A search on the Canadian Legal Information Institute Database reveals multiple court cases involving Moore, in situations ranging from disputes with landlords to those regarding animals.
