Marie-Lynn Hammond just bought a Canadian mare and commented on the length of the mare’s ears. I countered with “I’ll measure Spring Song’s ears!!!! They are a bit long…”

I haven’t heard from Marie-Lynn on the length of her mare’s ears.

Believe me when I say, “Measuring ears is not an exact science!”

Here’s what I measured last night from the tip of the ear to the base (on the hairy/fuzzy side):

Right ear: 6 ¼”
Left ear: 6 ¼”

Right ear: 7 ¼”
Left ear: 7 ½”

Left ear: 6”
Right ear: You’re kidding me! He wouldn’t let me near it and he told everyone in the barn that I was attacking ears.

Spring Song
Left ear: 7”
Right ear: she listened to Kye and wouldn’t let me measure her right ear.

I REALLY thought his ears were short!
Right ear: 7”
Left ear: 7 ¼”

Right ear: 7 ¼”
Left ear: 7 ½”