I’m working on a submission for the Canis Film Festival. My entry has horses learning how to touch something and progressing to touching a noise maker with the “orchestra” as the grand finale. Well, the deadline for entries is December 31 so the website that hosts the competition has put quite a few of the past winners’ videos up for viewing. You’ll enjoy seeing them. Especially the bird video because the bird insisted on drawing blood whenever he got his beak near a human (reminds me of vizsla puppies!).

The web address is www.clickertraining.com As you sit there the home page changes what it’s promoting. When I go to the site I have to sit still for what seems an eternity (probably five seconds) for each heading to appear. These headings take up about a fourth of my computer screen. The fourth heading on my computer is the Canis one. Click on that. At the top (to the right) there’s a heading, “prior winners”. Click on that and you’ll see lots of stuff.

The ankle biting kitten changes its behavior in front of our eyes. The dog that’s had many homes because he leaps on people learns “The Rules of Love”. As I watch video after video the teaching method sinks in and opens doors… giving me some ideas on new things to teach the animals I come in contact with. And, no, I will not be attempting clicker training with Bill who is enjoying a week-long clinic in Arizona conducted by Frank Bell (he has developed a Seven Step Safety System).

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