An adorable baby donkey in Newfoundland is starting a new career as a therapy animal. Seamus has joined other animals, including two horses and a mule, as well as dogs and cats, and once he’s had some training he will visit residents of long-term care homes and others in need of mental and emotional support.

Owned by Dana Blackmore, who found Seamus through an online ad in New Brunswick, the little five-month-old donkey has amassed fans on social media, where he shows off his sweet temperament as he wanders into her home. “The routine he’s already established for himself is hilarious,” Blackmore told the CBC. “He’ll go into the house, he’ll walk directly to the patio door, he’ll come in, he’ll do a little roll. He’ll go to the fridge for carrot, and then he comes back and makes himself comfortable on the rug.”

Located in Pound Cove, the plan for therapy animals is still in early stages for Blackmore, who wants to build a large barn for the animals and have it open to the public. “I’m forever hopeful that one day in the future … we set up some mental health [and] wellness with the horses, but namely starring Seamus. It’s the social nature of donkeys and the sweetness of him. He’s very favourable to being held and petted and gets along with other animals,” Blackmore tells the CBC.
