The following initiative has been launched by the Community Association for Riders with Disabilities in Toronto, Ontario, in regards to raising awareness and providing basic needs for their hard-working therapy horses:

Chuck’s Staff Challenge…. Help the Horses!!!

Hey everyone, we know how much you love the CARD horses. Due to the suspension of activities the CARD horses are enjoying an extra long break, but they would much rather be working!

We at CARD have 14 mouths to feed and keep in shape so that when our classes are up and running again, our horses can be in the best shape possible. During this crisis their needs are great.

Please join our staff members in their quest to provide the CARD horses with some of those basic needs. Each one of our staff has taken up the challenge from Chuck Wright, the Executive Director at CARD, to provide a much-needed service or item for you to consider. Please join them by sending out your chosen appeal(s) through your social media venues to friends and family who might be in a position to help.

We challenge you…let’s see which staff member can raise the most for our herd! So join us if you can.

Here is the schedule of Appeals that you can participate in the coming weeks:

Thurs. April 23, Elaine Brooks (, Director of Finance & Operations: Hay Appeal

Monday April 27, Randi Weiner (, Administrative Assistant: Vet Fund Appeal

Wednesday April 29, Judy Wanless (, Director of Volunteer Services: Farrier Fund Appeal

Friday May 1, Bonnie Hartley (, Fundraising & Events Coordinator: Horse Treats Appeal

Monday May 4, Seana Waldon (, Director of Therapeutic Riding: Grain Appeal

Wednesday May 7, Scot Stewart (, Barn Manager: Shavings Appeal

You can make a difference. The CARD horses need your support more than ever! You can also donate funds any time here.