A total of 18 horses worked their way down centreline in the Intermediare I/Grand Prix Freestyle test on Wednesday morning at the Pan Am Games in Lima, Peru. All eyes were on the elite few expected to be in the podium battle for individual medals: Sarah Lockman of the US with First Apple, and Canadians Tina Irwin and Laurencio, Lindsay Kellock and Floratina, and Naima Moreira Laliberte riding Statesman. Even though the fourth team member, Jill Irving with Degas 12, had placed 12th in the Grand Prix Special, only three team members are allowed to participate in the freestyle. Unfortunately, the order of go was based on a draw format rather than by reverse order of standings, which lacked the excitement and drama of the top combinations going last, as is the case at WEG and the Olympics.

US rider Sarah Lockman was once again unbeatable, scoring 78.980 aboard the gorgeous nine-year-old stallion First Apple to clinch the gold medal. “I came into this just wanting to score the best I possibly could and to have a personal best,” said Lockman. “I put that pressure on myself no matter what competition it is. From the warmup through the halt-salute that horse was one hundred percent with me. I was so happy to see that we were rewarded for such a great performance.”

“He’s s super top competitor and he really loves his job,” added the rider from California, who said that her first ride was a 32-year-old one-eyed pony. “I told one of my first trainers ‘I’m going to be a horse trainer and I’m going to go to the Olympics.’ This is step one; I was able to represent my country here and I’m looking forward to what’s next.”
