From now on, riders will have a unique voice in front of the International Federation for Equestrian Sports and in the world. As of the 14th of May, the two not-for-profit associations, the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) and the North American Riders Group, (NARG), have signed an historic letter of intent in which the former is recognized by the latter as the primary riders’ jumping representative in international equestrian sport to Lausanne’s headquarters eyes. On the other hand, the “European” IJRC Club sees in the NARG the primary Jumping riders’ association in North America.

By its statute, the IJRC, formed in 1977, has always striven to represent riders from around the world, working on global issues, North American included. Since 2008 however, the NARG, exclusively focused on the show jumping industry in North America, has been the main and only voice for its riders. Over time, NARG developed concerns about the IJRC’s ability to adequately represent the North American regional and continental concerns, given its distance and the fact that the majority of IJRC’s members were based in Europe. For this reason, the IJRC agreed that it has a challenging opportunity to show how its Board can fully represent all riders’ voices.

Representatives of the two associations finally met last December at the Club General Assembly and again early this year, with the mutual desire to find a positive working arrangement for the future. The result was an understanding, built on the effort to foster the sport’s growth in full respect of the two athletes, both equine and human. The resulting collaboration between the IJRC and the NARG is based on trust and transparency.
