Found Results from Fun and Games with Winnie

Where’s Blue?

Winnie exited the barn out the south door, stopped and looked east, south and west. No Blue. She turned east, then headed north along the side of the barn.

The ‘Scary’ Water Bottle Obstacle

Find out how to use water bottles as obstacles with your horse in order to gain trust, and to show the horse they don't have to be scared of new things.

Winsong Farm’s Fall Fundraiser

Winsong Farm’s Fall Fundraiser will take place Sunday October 15, 2017, from 2:00-3:30 p.m., in support of the Horse Sanctuary, run by Lillian Tepera.

Spring Song’s Self Loading

Spring Song hasn’t been on a trailer in three years, however, that doesn't mean she doesn't have tricks up her sleeve, like loading all by herself.

A Pre-Flight Check

This article explores both Hombre and Spring Song's pre-flight checks, what exactly this means, and the process of getting Hombre to walk onto a tarp.

Capturing the Dance

They've done a square dance on horseback with the boys side by side so they didn’t think it’d be a great leap to dance side by side. Wrong.

Playing with Dora

In this article, Dora plays one of her favourite games, involving bowling pins, and works on a new painting trick. Keep reading to follow Dora's adventures.

Winsong’s Spring Fundraiser

Winsong Farm's spring fundraiser is coming up this Sunday. This article highlights who and what will be at the fundraiserm and what people can expect.

Snow White and Her Dwarfs

This article showcases a couple of videos of Dora the pony and her dwarfs and some of the new things they've been working on at Winsong Farm.