Found Results from Fun and Games with Winnie

Dora’s First Sleigh Ride

Winnie at Winsong has been working with Dora to teach her how to pull a sleigh. What a star she is! Here's a video of her first sleigh ride. 

Dora Learns to Pull a Sleigh

Dora the Wonder Pony adds another skill to her repetoire, learning to pull a sleigh with help from Winnie and Bill at Winsong Farm.

Bill Gets Outmaneuvered By the Girls

When Dora, Angel and Spring Song manage to sneak past Bill and run off to frolic, he comes up with a trio of humourous new nicknames for them.

A Giant Lobster Walks Into a Horse Paddock…

Winsong had an interesting visitor the other day – a giant, neon lobster! He stopped by to greet the gang and make some new friends.

Dora, seen below, was particularly interested in him. She even thought she’d like to take …

Fetching Carrots

The horses at Winsong are learning a new game with Winnie - how to fetch a carrot tied to the end of a rope. Plus, how to respect invisible barriers.

Scenes from Halloween

The gang had some Halloween fun during their Fall Fundraiser, in support of the North Toronto Cat Rescue, at Winsong Farm.

Scenes from the Fall Fundraiser

The Fall Fundraiser October 21st on behalf of the North Toronto Cat Rescue was full of fun and excitement. Here are some scenes from the show.