In my last article, “Equitation Science” in the November/December issue of Horse-Canada, I discussed the predominant role of negative reinforcement in horse training, and how we might do a better job of it. Here, I’ll consider the underlying principles of positive reinforcement, and where it could play a greater role in our interactions with horses. But first, let’s back up and consider why negative reinforcement came to be the mainstay of horse training.


In training horses to perform, in most of the behaviours we seek, we apply pressure (a mildly aversive event) and when the horse offers the desired response, we relax the pressure. As prey animals, horses are particularly motivated to escape aversive events. This makes them evolutionarily programmed to comply with a rider’s demands to avoid the discomfort of pressure from bit, leg, spur, or seat. Negative reinforcement, which rewards the desired behaviour by removing that pressure, forms the foundation of control pivotal to riding a horse under saddle (McGreevy, 2010).


Positive reinforcement has been underutilized, firstly, because ridden equitation makes it difficult to offer a food reward from a horse’s back without disrupting the very behaviour you want to reward. Secondly, trainers are generally vague about what positive reinforcement is, or how to implement it. A study by two equine behaviourists – Natalie Warren-Smith and Paul McGreevy (2008) – of top New Zealand horse trainers found that the majority of trainers erroneously believed that the release of pressure after a desired response was positive reinforcement. Thirdly, some people view food rewards disparagingly and have a misconception that horses who are fed treats by hand will become nippy and aggressive.
