Sorry it’s been a while folks! There’s just so many fun things to do and see here and I don’t have data on my phone. Thursday I jumped with Mark. It was a good lesson with some upgraded exercises. I’ve done canter poles to jumps but Mark had the regular canter poles getting shorter the closer they got to the warm up fence. I used “V” rails to help Woody (specifically) and we went from a vertical to an oxer during the warm up. Then we practiced the triple combo I’ve been messing up a lot lately. Oxer, one stride vertical two stride oxer. The one stride being long and the two stride being short. I messed it up off a tight right turn at the eventing prix in March and then we messed it up at Belton. I watched the video from Belton and I didn’t ride it as backwards as I thought. I definitely rode it backwards at the eventing prix.

River in her Shires mask.

River in her Shires mask.

Woody made such a great effort over the oxer in at Belton we didn’t make the one stride easily and our bascule was flat over the vertical (B element) so we had it down.

Woody was super in our lesson and tried his guts out despite the occasional rider error.

After our lesson I galloped Woody using the all-weather gallop four times. I didn’t push him too fast though.

Friday I rode early and took Woody on a wonderful hack on the ridgeway. It has a long slow pull uphill and spectacular view!

Then I headed to my cousin Alex’s house near Warwick. I finally got to meet his new horse River and taught him on Friday night and Saturday morning. On Friday I just taught from the ground. She is beautiful and sweet natured. Afterwards I went for dinner with Stacey, Alex and Gareth at a fabulous pizza place. Sourdough pizza with whatever you want then a friend’s wine bar. We walked along the river to get there since we had the cute Zz with us (the young schnauzer).

Zz the Schnauzer.

Zz the Schnauzer.

In the a.m. I took the reins and got on River first before helping Alex with her. She has a lovely lofty trot and excellent work ethic, she’s very responsive in the canter aids too. Wish I had the chance to see her jump. I’m told she’s fabulous. Perhaps next time.

On Saturday afternoon Tracey and Nicky came to visit me and watch me flat Woody. Then they we awesome and took me to curry at the Burj for lunch. It’s LITERALLY down the street. YUUUUMMMM!

Lucky Woody had Sunday off. ?