A Fine Step, starring Luke Perry and Anna Claire Sneed, is a film about the Paso Fino breed, which was released in 2014. Anna tells us about her experience working with the breed known for its lovely floating gait.

1. When/how did you first learn to ride?

I actually rode for the first time before we started shooting. I had a few lessons to make me comfortable and it was a blast! I really enjoyed it.

2. Do you ride outside of filming?

I started riding recreationally with my friends after filming. I really learned to love it and it is something fun for my friends and I to do together.

3. Did/do you have a favourite horse to ride?

I guess my favourite horse to ride was the beautiful five-year-old Paso Fino stallion, Substituto, that played Fandango in A Fine Step. He was so amazing to work with! I love animals and getting to work so closely with a beautiful animal like Substituto was something I will always cherish. He was so smart and sweet.

4. Do you have any upcoming projects you’d like to share?

I do not have anything specific coming up at the moment. I’ve been doing guest appearances on some great television shows, continuing to audition and doing what I love.

5. Do you have any behind-the-scenes horse-related stories to share?

There was a really funny moment when the man playing my dad (Cameron Daddo) was on one of the horses and intensely yelled, “YA!” He was ready for the horse to run off with him, but he didn’t move at all! There was also a day when Substituto had had enough and just started rolling in the grass. We were trying to shoot a scene and he just rolled all the way through. There were fun moments with the horses the whole time! I learned they like peanut butter. They ate some out of my hands when I wanted them to come over to me. I loved to pet their noses too.

6. What do you enjoy most about working with horses?

I think I enjoyed their company the most. Just having them around and being able to pet them and love on them was comforting and special. Of course learning to ride was very enjoyable as well.

7. A Fine Step is about the Paso Fino breed; what was it like working with them?

Paso Fino horses were definitely different than riding a regular horse. They step very quickly and close together. It has a different feeling when you are in the saddle. They have a different pace and rhythm. They are very strong and have beautiful rhythm to their step.

8. I understand you are a dancer as well; how does that affect your riding skills? (As in how does it improve your seat, etc.)

Yes I grew up dancing and I definitely think that played a part. Riding a Paso Fino involves grace and balance and I think both of those helped me. There was coordination needed in letting the horse know which way to go and when. Dance definitely helped in that aspect as well.

9. If you could ride any famous horse in history, who would it be, and why?

Fandango, of course 🙂

10. Any final thoughts you’d like to share?

Overall this experience was amazing and one I wouldn’t trade for anything. I am thankful that this opportunity brought a love of horses into my life. I learned so much. I also got to see the love that other people involved had for these horses which was really special. I loved getting to know these people, hearing their stories, and watching the amazing Paso Fino horses work in such a professional environment. I would love to do another film involving animals especially horses. I adored every moment!

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