How can any horse compete with this handsome boy?

Patience has never been my strong suit. And let me tell you, it certainly isn’t when it comes to purchasing horses. I have finally found the right one, but have been waiting, waiting, waiting. First to go and see him, then for the day of the vet check, and now for the Coggins results and getting him trailered up here. I’m sure the waiting would have been a whole lot less if I hadn’t fallen for one south of the border. There’s just so much more that has to align before transporting your new horse up from the United States.

I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time talking about my new horse—probably because it just doesn’t feel real yet. Once he’s here I’m sure there will be a flurry of posts about every cute thing he does. So many that you’ll probably be sick of hearing about him!

I have to admit that there are certainly some nerves on my side. Luc has been such an amazing horse, how can another ever live up to that? Thankfully, he’ll still be a big part of my life. In fact, I think he would insist on it. I am sure I will still be his favourite treat dispenser, he’s just going to have to learn to share. I’m also certain I will still ride him on a regular basis.

His owner, my sister Jen, and I have already chatted and are really excited about the opportunity to ride together, and the opportunity to swap horses on a regular basis. It’s nice to be able to ride something different every once in a while. I’m a firm believer each horse works a different skill set and that you gain valuable experience from every horse you get on.

I’m keeping this post short and sweet—mostly because I’m still waiting for an important phone call regarding my new handsome beast and that means my mind is completely elsewhere. Keep your fingers crossed that soon I’ll be making the introduction post!

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