Is there anything better than a relaxing winter ride?

Horses neigh, are you listening?
In the field, snow is glistening.
A beautiful sight, we’re happy alright, riding in a winter wonderland.

There’s just something magical about a fresh snowfall, so naturally I had to take advantage of it and go for my very first snowy ride! It seems strange to me that in all my time of being involved with horses I had up until this point never been out riding in a snow-covered field. Sure, last week I plodded around bareback with Luc in the ring, but this week there was enough snow (and no ice) that I was able to actually ride. I guess technically I still haven’t ridden in a snow-covered field since I ended up in the outdoor ring again, but it’s still pretty close, so I’m going to count it.

It was an absolutely amazing ride with the snow flying as Luc and I walked, trotted and cantered across the ring, leaving fresh hoof prints behind us in the glittering snow. We even had an audience as his field mates watched, occasionally getting in on the action by bucking, running and playing along the adjoining fence line. Thankfully Luc didn’t lose his head when they did that, and was actually marvellously responsive. Whatever I asked for, I got, right away, no questions asked. Even when I asked for more impulsion!

I think that’s one of the many reasons I’m hoping for a mild, but snowy winter. That way I can avoid having to ride in the indoor arena for as long as possible! Luc is always so much better when he’s outside. He’s just one of those horses. And to be honest, I’m happy to oblige whenever I can, since I much prefer being outside as well. That’s providing of course that it isn’t so cold that I can no longer feel any part of my body after five minutes. Although since the indoor arena isn’t heated, I suppose I’ll just have to learn to love the mind-numbing cold we sometimes get. Just please don’t let there be another polar vortex that drags on for three quarters of the winter! I don’t think my fingers and toes can take it.

Luc and I playing in the snow.

I’m sure lurking somewhere in this winter wonderland ride is the fact that I completely used it as an excuse not to ride inside. I thought about riding in the indoor ring, I really did, but then my sister suggested outside since it was so nice out and I leapt at the chance. Is it so wrong to sometimes just want to ride a relaxed horse, instead of one who feels like a ticking time bomb? I don’t think so. I can fully admit that’s why I chose to ride outside this week. I’ll have to face the indoor arena at some point, just not yet. I potentially have a whole winter head of me where Luc and I battle it out to see who wins the war on riding calmly past the scary end (he’s always much worse about it in the winter).

Next week it may be all hands to battle stations (unless it’s snowy and wonderful out again!), but for now, I’m going to put on my winter boots and head out in the snow to play with my (borrowed) pony. I hope you all have the chance to do the same!

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