A happy looking Luc despite his tender feet.

Well this week it was a battle between Gimpy One and Gimpy Two. Gimpy One, aka Luc, still has tender feet, although they’re doing much better. That means he’s still not really back to work. Instead, he’s been enjoying bareback walks around the grass field to keep circulation moving. Gimpy Two is me. Earlier in the week I woke up in the middle of the night with some severe pain in my left hip. So severe, in fact, that I toyed with going to the emergency room. But, I didn’t. Instead I toughed it out and waited for a nearby walk-in clinic to open, which resulted in x-rays and instructions to limit any unnecessary movements.

A few days later I was starting to feel better so naturally I felt up to going to the barn for my usual rendezvous with Luc. Despite what past blogs may indicate, I do, in fact, have some level of self-preservation, so I wisely made the decision not to ride. Instead, Jen decided she’d ride Luc bareback again. Except there was one small thing I haven’t mentioned yet. While Luc and I were Gimpy One and Gimpy Two, Jen was Sicky One. Yup, that’s right. The sick one decided it was a good idea to ride.

After grooming Luc and putting on his bridle we all headed out to the grass field. Jen and Luc went for a short, but productive, bareback ride. They worked on bending and responsiveness. Even when she’s sick Jen just has to have something to work on during her ride. I admire that quality and wish I shared it!

At the end of the day no one was any worse for the wear. Jen wasn’t any sicker, Luc wasn’t any tenderer, and I wasn’t any sorer. I’m calling it a success. And also a win for me. Both because I acted responsibly and didn’t push myself when I was injured, but more because I won. It was a competition to see who was in the worst shape to ride, right? I’m not overly competitive or anything, not at all.

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