The base for a solid barrel of core stability is your pelvic floor. The rest of your barrel of core stability includes transverse abdominals (anterior), diaphragm (superior) and multifidus (posterior). Dysfunction or weakness of the pelvic floor can be discerned in more extreme cases by bladder or bowel incontinence or voiding issues, but sub-optimal firing of your pelvic floor is often much more subtle. Dysfunction in part of your core affects the rest of your core, overall riding performance, and effectiveness of your seat.

Achieving an effective seat involves gently lifting the pelvic floor with the action of the horse and using your adductors (inner thigh) as an extension of your core to elevate your horse’s barrel. This has to occur while bringing your leg back to help the horse shift its centre of gravity to its hind legs, while allowing your hands and upper body to act independently. This independent coordination of hands, seat, back and legs requires a working pelvic floor.

The pelvic floor can be broken down into quadrants: anterior, posterior, left and right sides. Symmetry in the strength of your core is equally important in creating a balanced horse that doesn’t lean on one hand or leg. Mobility and strength deficits through the hips and legs can inhibit the ability to achieve leg and seat finesse.

It is possible to train each quadrant of your pelvic floor to improve both your core stability and the effectiveness of your seat. Try the squat/lunge exercises below:

• Stand in the middle of four imaginary quadrants, feet shoulder-width apart, in an athletic/riding stance. To feel your anterior pelvic floor engage, gently lift your pelvic floor by simulating stopping the flow of urine for five seconds as you bring your weight slowly in front of the vertical into a half-squat (#1). To train your posterior pelvic floor, gently squeeze your buttocks and simulate stopping a bowel movement for five seconds as you shift your weight back into a half-squat (#2). Repeat six times.

• To train each quadrant, use the same starting position and step forward and to the right (#3), shifting weight onto the right foot and repeating the anterior pelvic floor hold to train the right anterior quadrant, or back and to the right for the right posterior quadrant (#4). Hold for five seconds; alternate with left side for six reps each. You may notice that one quadrant feels more stable or you can feel the hold better than others. The quadrant that is difficult to engage needs the most training. This exercise requires finesse and attention to detail to properly train your pelvic floor to create a responsive horse.

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