The Chance: Helping Unwanted Horses

Lacey Jo wrote and published an article when she was only 14 called Never Too Young to Make a Difference, describing how she convinced her 4H Club to support bringing the Unwanted Horse Coalition’s “Operation Gelding” to her area in …

The Aliens Inside

Disruptions to the microbial population can lead to a variety of ailments. While researchers work to understand this largely uncharted territory, you can help keep your horse in good health by feeding a carefully balanced diet.

As herbivores, horses consume …

C. difficile: A Fickle Foe

C. difficile infection is sometimes a tricky illness to treat because it is treated with antibiotics, which can further upset the gut flora.

Name that Bump

Being the active – yet fragile – animals they are, horses are subject to a variety of lumps and bumps, such as bone spavin, hives, and more.

Humour – Book Learnin’

There is a bookshelf in our house where my wife has assembled (in order, mind you), the textbooks from every course she took in university. She sees them as trophies for passing the course. I, on the other hand, have …

Stem Cell Reality Check

Few, if any, areas of scientific study have captured the imagination of medicine and the masses alike as definitively as that of stem cell research.

The Slip

Maintaining an equine pregnancy can be tricky; complications can occur with natural and artificial conception, this article highlights causes of the "slip".

Ask Us: Proud Flesh

Proud flesh is an exuberant growth of granulation tissue, which is highly fibrous, full of small blood vessels and designed to help in the healing process.