Fundraising is a challenge these days, arguably more than ever, with nonprofits chasing donations in a world overrun with worthy causes. That didn’t discourage Lilah Policicchio from Kaleden, near BC’s Okanagan Valley, from finding a fun way to raise money to start her horse rescue. This past weekend she hosted a petting zoo and raised over $2,000 towards the planned rescue.

Policicchio and her family operate Sibling Rivalry Ranch,  a riding and boarding facility, and they have now launched Sibling Rivalry Rescue. The family is in the process of setting up the farm as a nonprofit rescue.

The farm is situated on 24 acres and currently have 11 horses, which means there is room to grow the herd. The goal is with any money raised they can build more paddocks and stalls to accommodate more horses.

Policicchio’s own horse Bo was found in the wild off of a reserve in Alberta just a few years ago. “They sent him to a slaughterhouse and he was supposed to be slaughtered for meat. And then a lady rescued him and she kind of put some training on him before I got him and I kind of finished him off,” she told local news site Castanet.  “He’s such an amazing horse. So I want to rescue more horses and kind of turn them into what Bo [has become] and then sell them to find their forever homes.”

What happened to Bo has inspired her and her friends. who work with her to attend auctions and outbid the meat man to rescue more horses.

In addition to the petting zoo, Sibling Rivalry has created a GoFundMe campaign. On their page they state their mission is “to provide a safe haven and rehabilitation for equines in need. We are dedicated to rescuing horses from neglect, abuse, and hardship, offering them compassionate care, and finding them loving, forever homes.”

According to the article on Castanet, the goal is also to raise additional funds by selling and rehoming the horses to make room for new rescues. “Through education and outreach, we will strive to raise awareness about horse welfare and promote responsible ownership,” the mission statement continues. “Our ultimate goal is to ensure every horse receives the care, compassion, and quality of life they deserve.”

If you’d like to donate, you can find Sibling Rivalry’s GoFundMe page here.

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