The Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System (CAHSS) has reported a case of Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM), which is the neurologic form of the Equine Herpesvirus, in Saskatchewan. Following are the details:

Disease: Equine Herpesvirus (neurologic)
Date: June 29, 2018
Location: Saskatchewan
Status: Ongoing
Breed: QH
Sex: Gelding
Age: 19 years
Vaccination history: Unvaccinated

The gelding presented with hind end ataxia of five days duration, and showed no improvement with anti-inflammatory treatment over two days. A high antibody titre was discovered, as per EHV1/4 ELISA, negative PCR.

The six other horses on premises all tested negative on PCR. None of the horses have been moved off the premises since the diagnosis was made; however, the positive horse was present at a roping/rodeo event in Alberta just prior to diagnosis. The exact event is unknown (according to this website, possible events include: Wainwright Stampede, Guy Weadick Days (High River), and Sundre Pro Rodeo).

For more information, contact Wendy Wilkins, DVM PhD Ph: 306-798-0253

Additional information can be found at Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System.

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