Fans of the My Little Pony franchise can rejoice in the news of a brand spanking new animated feature film. Set to debut on Netflix in the late fall, the film is being made by Hasbro’s Boulder Studio in Dublin and promises to be theatrical-quality CG animation, a first for the franchise and the beloved Equestria characters. The film is directed by Rob Cullen and Jose Ucha with Mark Fattibene as co-director.

According to the release from Entertainment One (Hasbro’s entertainment studio) the story’s plotline is “Equestria has lost its magic. (GASP!) Friendship and Harmony have been replaced by paranoia and mistrust, and Ponies now live separated by species. Sunny – a feisty and idealistic young Earth Pony – is convinced there’s still hope for this divided world… but her slightly misguided and often hilarious efforts to change hearts and minds have led to her being branded a misfit. When Sunny befriends a lost Unicorn named Izzy, who wanders innocently into the Earth Pony town of Maretime Bay, the town has had enough. Izzy and Sunny must embark on an epic adventure that will include a daring jewel heist, outrageous conspiracy theories, elaborate musical numbers, and the world’s cutest flying Pomeranian…The world Sunny has dreamed of her entire life could finally become a reality as Sunny and her newfound friends fight to prove that even little ponies can make a big difference.”

And of course, there will be new toys, books, fashion and other merchandise inspired by the reboot and updated animation style of the film. A new G5 My Little Pony series is also set for release around the same time so your kids (or you!) can keep living in their world for hours.

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