Hello All!

The impact of these times has created a very serious challenge in the not-for-profit world and horse industry. We have seen some our most basic needs running in low supply. The cost of hay has doubled, and in some cases tripled, in the last few months. Large animal facilities like horse barns and zoos are running short. The CARD horses need your help now. Without revenue streaming in from classes and events, we find ourselves stalled and in a disturbing situation. Will you help me help the CARD herd?

Please donate to the CARD Hay fund today. All donations over $25.00 will be eligible for a tax receipt. Please click on the link and donate through Canada Helps secured payment system. If you prefer to donate via e-transfer please reach out to finance@card.ca and we will follow up with you.

Thank you for your consideration. The horses at CARD thank you.

~ Elaine Brooks, Director of Finance & Operations, CARD

Donate Now to the CARD Herd.

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