The 2017 Canadian Horse Annual, our Health & Welfare special, hits newsstands December 12th. The perfect stocking stuffer, it includes advice on maintaining your horse’s health and well-being, with thought-provoking and educational articles.

In her article, “Talking to Horses,” equine psychologist, Antonia T.Z. Henderson, Ph.D., explores communication and understanding between humans and horses. Don’t miss your chance to brush up on the language of horses and improve your partnership.

While you’re at it, check out our series of strengthening exercises to help keep your horse in peak physical condition, or bring him back from injury, in a safe and balanced manner. They are simple, yet effective.

Are you looking for something new to engage your horse in his training? Get expert advice on transferring clicker training from the ground to under saddle work. This form of positive reinforcement isn’t just for teaching tricks!

Keeping our horses physically and mentally sound is a priority for most horse owners. Sadly, sometimes even well-meaning folks go astray. Our eye-opening article on animal protection laws in Canada encourages people to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. It shines a light on the need for updated rules and stricter monitoring and enforcement to ensure all horses’ welfare.

Protection starts at home, and there are many things we can do to ensure our horses’ good health. Our article on contagious diseases, for example, offers advice on reducing the spread of harmful illnesses through effective use of bio-security measures designed to keep horses and humans safe. Plus, our emergency preparedness guide will help you get ready for whatever Mother Natures throws at you, and learn how to prevent devastating disasters.

These are just some of the articles included in this must-have edition of the Canadian Horse Annual, which boasts record-breaking sales the past two years, having gone up 95% in 2015 and another 15% on top of that in 2016. Get your copy before it’s gone!

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