A bowed or torn tendon used to signify the likely end of a horse’s jumping or performance career. In recent years, however, there is another option that is positively changing outcomes – and much of the equine medical field as a whole: stem cell therapy.

Now riders, owners, and trainers are invited and encouraged to learn more about the utilization of stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine and how it could benefit them at the inaugural Equine World Stem Cell Summit, to be held December 7-9 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, FL.

The registration fee for those wishing to attend the inaugural, three-day equine event is reduced to $500. Use the code “EQUINERM” on the registration page when signing up! Just visit http://www.worldstemcellsummit.com/equine.

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cells are cells that have not yet developed to fulfill a specific job and can therefore form into specialized cells, such as those that make up the muscle, blood, and bones of a horse.

When a horse bows a tendon, it tears the elastic fibers that attach its muscle to bone. Pulling or tearing a ligament results in the separation of the fibrous tissues that connect bone to bone and provide stability. As tendons and ligaments begin to heal and knit themselves back together naturally, scar tissue often forms in place of the necessary tough collagen that was previously present. The scar tissue greatly weakens the tendon or ligament, as it is non-elastic and disorganized, and puts the horse at greater risk of future re-injury or failure to recover fully.

While tendon and ligament injuries have different implications, both can benefit from the injection of harvested stem cells. The stem cells are able to convert themselves to the necessary tendon or ligament cells, allowing for increased collagen regeneration and less development of scar tissue, in turn creating a stronger tendon or ligament.

Why Attend the Equine World Stem Cell Summit?

The Equine World Stem Cell Summit will delve much further into equine regenerative medicine, and for owners, trainers, and riders, give them a glimpse into how its applications could directly benefit them and their horses.

The inaugural Equine World Stem Cell Summit is a track of the 12th annual World Stem Cell Summit, the largest conference of its kind that brings together the worldwide regenerative medicine community. For the first time, the World Stem Cell Summit is integrating equine stakeholders into this community, and the entire World Stem Cell Summit audience will have the opportunity to learn more about the economic impact of the equine community and its impact on veterinary medicine and human health.

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from leading veterinarians and researchers in sessions including:


10:30-11:30 – Equine Regenerative Medicine- All Things Considered

A view of the universe of equine world including economic significance and unmet needs relating to equine health. How regenerative medicine and cell therapies will change the equine world for the better. What are the regulatory challenges? What is the unlimited commercialization potential?

Track Keynote: Karl Norbert of Recellerate

11:30-12:30 – NAVRMA Clinical Update (Session supported by North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Association)

Speakers: Dr. Alan Nixon, Chair of the Board of Directors at NAVRMA, Director of Comparative Orthopaedics Laboratory, Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, Cornell University; Dori Borjesson, BA, DVM, MPVM, PhD, Professor and Researcher, Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology, of University of California, Davis; and Steven C. Ghivizzani, PhD, of University of Florida College of Medicine
2:00-3:30 – Sweeping Innovations! How Neurological Advances, Cellular Reprogramming and Cloning Technologies will Change the Face of Equine Medicine

Speakers: Graham Parker, PhD, Wayne State University; Jeanne Loring, Scripps Research Institute; and with Dr. Rogerio Martins Amorim, DVM, MSc, PhD, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science, Veterinary Clinic Department, Veterinary Neurology Service of São Paulo, Brazil


9:30-10:30 – Orthopedic Applications for Equine Medicine

Moderators: Paul Robbins, PhD, of Scripps Research Institute
Speakers: Stephen C. Ghivizzani, PhD, of University of Florida College of Medicine; Dr. Alan Nixon, Chair of the Board of Directors at NAVRMA, Director of Comparative Orthopaedics Laboratory, Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, Cornell University (cartilage repair); Dori Borjesson, BA, DVM, MPVM, PhD, Professor and Researcher, Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology, of University of California, Davis.

11:00-12:00 – Working with the FDA to Develop Equine, Canine, and Feline Regenerative Medicine

Speakers: Karl Norbert of Recellerate and Brandon Ames CEO of AniCell Biotech

1:30-2:30 – Neurological Applications and Stem Cell Tracking in Equine

Track Keynote: Dr. Mathieu Spriet, DVM, MS, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Radiology, Associate Professor, Department of Surgical & Radiological Sciences, of University of California, Davis

2:30-3:30 – Equine Regenerative Medicine – Clinical Experience and Relevance to Human Therapy

Speaker: Dr. Robert Harman, DVM, MPVM, CEO of VetStem Biopharma Inc.

“Veterinarians have been using stem cells for over a decade and it all started with equine sports medicine applications. Racehorses and competitive sport horses were just the start, with many weekend warrior and pleasure horses receiving treatments for a wide range of ailments. Peer-reviewed publications have replaced the initial anecdotal accounts and high-end imaging (MRI, ultrasound) and targeted delivery have been documented in well-designed clinical studies and cases. The range of diseases treated with regenerative medicine options extends from orthopedics to neurology to autoimmune disease and respiratory conditions. The successes achieved in the equine world will be presented with an analysis and commentary on how this data is being used to support human regenerative medicine therapy development.”


9:30-10:30 – Equine Treatments Utilizing Amnion, Stromal Vascular Fraction and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Moderator: Dr. Bruce Werber
Speakers: Priscilla Ortiz Poras, DVM, of Innova Celulas Madre; Moises Barcelo, Chief Medical Officer, AniCell Biotech

11:00-12:00 – How regenerative medicine is changing the veterinary practice, even for mobile vets

Curative care continues to be the top priority in the use of regenerative medicine but new treatments continue to evolve veterinary practices from a palliative care model to a curative care model.  These revolutionary treatments are now available to even the mobile vet and is changing the business model for all veterinarians.

Speaker: Brandon Ames, CEO, AniCell Biotech

1:30-2:30 – Mechanism of Stem Cell Action: Building Blocks and Environmental Modulators

Track Keynote Speaker: Arnold Caplan, PhD, Professor Biology and Director, Skeletal Research Center, of Case Western Reserve University

To learn more visit www.worldstemcellsummit.com/equine or contact Emily at emily@jumpmediallc.com with questions regarding attending this year’s Equine World Stem Cell Summit.

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