Three horses have tested positive for Equine Influenza at the World Equestrian Center (WEC) in Wilmington, Ohio. The veterinary clinic released the following statement on February 12th:

The World Equestrian Center management has been made aware by horse show veterinarian Dr. Holly Helbig that three horses at the facility have tested positive for the Equine Influenza Virus. After a full respiratory panel, all three horses have tested NEGATIVE for Streptococcus equi (Strangles) and NEGATIVE for EHV-1 & EHV-4 (Equine Herpesvirus).

When the horses in question demonstrated equine influenza symptoms, they were immediately separated and have been in isolation since Sunday at the World Equestrian Center Veterinary Clinic where they are currently under the supervision of Dr. Helbig.

The World Equestrian Center will continue to observe all recommended biosecurity measures and be vigilant in its effort to avoid the spread of the virus by continuing to disinfect and sterilize stabling, wash racks, walkways and common areas on the horse show grounds.

After management discussion with horse show officials, braiding will be OPTIONAL at World Equestrian Center from Winter Classic Week 8 (February 12-16) through Winter Classic 11 (March 6-10). Exhibitors WILL NOT be penalized for unbraided horses.

Dr. Helbig will be continuing to test any horse that demonstrates symptoms and horse show management will remain proactive in communicating with exhibitors. If you have questions or concerns, please contact horse show manager Brandon Saxton at (216) 554-2049 or horse show veterinarian Dr. Holly Helbig at (330) 807-2643.

In the meantime, the World Equestrian Center recommends horse owners and caregivers observe bio security recommendations and adhere to vaccination schedules.

Biosecurity Recommendations

The World Equestrian Center is dedicated to providing a safe, healthy environment for horses. As an exhibitor, your cooperation in bringing only healthy horses to our facilities is essential in ensuring a positive experience for everyone who attends our shows.

All horses entering the World Equestrian Center grounds must have a valid proof of current negative Coggins test (within 12 months).

A 30-day certificate of veterinary inspection is required for all horses arriving from outside the state of Ohio. Horses who fail to arrive with appropriate paperwork will not be allowed to unload on to the show grounds. Please have your paperwork and bring it to the show office upon arrival.

Proof of mandatory vaccinations is required per US Equestrian rules.

It is strongly recommended that all horses be vaccinated for EHV-1 & 4 \ EIV (either modified live or killed vaccine) no sooner than 7 days prior to and no later than 180 days prior to entering the show grounds. MostEHV-1 & 4 \ EIV vaccines are only considered effective for 180 days. Please check with your veterinarian about which vaccine is right for your horse.

Current vaccinations against WNV, EEE, WEE, Tetanus and Rabies is strongly recommended.

Please take measures to document your horse’s normal temperature and maintain a log of temperatures taken at least twice daily. If there is an elevated temperature for more than a 24-hour period, please consult your veterinarian immediately. Do not ship a horse with an elevated temperature.

Any horse on the show grounds with a fever of unknown or suspicious origin should be reported immediately to World Equestrian Center management immediately.

We encourage all exhibitors to establish and practice good hygiene in their daily stable routine and with horses that are traveling. Communicate these to your barn staff and grooms to ensure effective health measures are taken by all.

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