Remember the five horses that bolted through the streets of London in April? Well, it’s happened again.

This time three horses from the same Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment  “became loose from their riders” while six were exercising on Monday morning, a spokesperson for the U.K. Ministry of Defence told the BBC.

According to the BBC and other media outlets, all horses were caught “swiftly and safely.” The spokesperson indicated that during this second event, the lead horse was being led by hand and broke loose after being spooked by a London bus. And as we horse people know, when one horse spooks, a chain reaction can occur, which apparently happened. Two horses which were being ridden under saddle tossed their riders and took off after the first.

Footage of the loose horses was captured from the dash cam of a Black cab driver.  In the dramatic footage it appears as though locals were able to apprehend the horses. A man in a navy polo shirt and tan shorts holds onto a horse as he talks into his cell phone. Behind him a cyclist also appears to be holding onto the reins of a second horse.

“One horse received minor injuries, but no further treatment is required and there were no injuries to the soldiers involved,” the military spokesperson said.

None of the three escaped horses were involved in the April incident. In that incident, two horses were badly injured and are still recovering as we reported last month.

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