Horses are incredible athletes and companions and it is our responsibility as owners, riders, and caretakers to take caution to prevent injury and provide the proper care when injuries do arise.

Equine Guelph’s Lameness Lab tool provides interactive activities to help you learn the causes and risks for lameness as well as how to assess lameness.

Brush up on your equine anatomy and learn important bone, muscle, tendon, ligament and hoof structures and their role in lameness.

Learn how to assess degrees of lameness using the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) scale, guided by Dr. Nicola Cribb’s expertise. Cribb is a large animal surgeon and adjunct faculty with the Ontario Veterinary College.

The all-important question is ‘when to call the vet’, discussed by Dr. Ken Armstrong, equine veterinarian and partner at Halton Equine Veterinary Services. Armstrong also goes over how to prepare for a vet assessment and potential diagnostic options. It is important to know what your vet is doing and why. It takes a team to keep your horse healthy and happy.

Test your knowledge with case study videos and spin the wheel of quiz questions.

Check out this tool, at Lameness Lab.

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