Yesterday I introduced several of the horses (Bucephalus, Zelador and Zeloso) to bunting (I think that’s what it’s called). It’s a very long line (almost 35 metres) with different coloured plastic triangles hanging from it. To start with I brought a horse into the arena, then casually and slowly walked along the wall unraveling the line. I stopped occasionally and if the horse came to me, he received a treat. Once the bunting was along the wall I started doing our usual work. A few minutes later I went to the bunting and draped it over the kickboards, then back to our work. A bit later I picked up the long line of triangles, carried it to the other side of the arena and set it along that wall. Back to horse work. Finally I draped it on that wall, too.

Today I’ve only worked with one horse, five-year-old Bucephalus who has the same sire as Z and Z. I did set up the bunting along the wall, then attached one end of it to a garrocha pole and the other end to a second garrocha pole. Both poles are at least twelve feet long. The first pole stayed upright because it rested behind the kickboards. The second pole was placed in a standard that stays upright. It’s made out of metal, has a hole down the tube in the centre and has a broad circular base. It’s not moving anywhere.

I placed the second garrocha pole in it.

Bucephalus watched this operation and, at liberty, went under the bunting without undue histrionics. The line of triangles was about eight feet above the ground.

When we were done I took down the bunting. I’m heading to the barn now and will give Zelador and Zeloso a turn. My biggest challenge will be to keep Zeloso from grabbing the triangles and flinging them!

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