We went for our second horseback ride here at Miombo Safari Camp. It was a quiet ride, not too many animals to see. We rode some very nice Thoroughbreds. They were very quiet and wonderful to ride. Even when a herd of Cape Buffalo suddenly bolted through the bush just 50metres from us, the horses stood their ground and watched intently.

We met the owner of the farm prior to the ride to talk a bit about our background and to learn about her farm and horses. Her name is Sharon. She asked us about our horses that paint…she said she heard about them through the travel booking agent in Harare, named Charlene. Looks like Winsong Farm and the Winsong Farm horses are known all over the globe..haha. We have no idea how this Charlene knew about the horses painting….only thing we can think of is she googled the farm name or your name or Bill’s name and found the farm site or your blog.

We are off to Matopos tomorrow. Will send you an update soon.


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