Etienne Leroy (a French Classical trainer) will be here at the end of November. He’ll be in Quebec and Toronto.

Etienne worked with Zelador and Zeloso in 2008 and we’re looking forward to his upcoming visit. He emailed that he’d like to work on the boys’ piaffe and I’d like to throw in a few rides around the property.

If you’re interested in having Etienne work with you or would like to come watch, let me know and I’ll forward details as I receive them.

This man is “patience personified”. To give you an idea of how intune he is to each horse… he’s the ONLY human being that Zelador has NOT out-foxed when being led. Everyone has had the “joyous” experience of Zelador turning his head away from the person leading him then walking away with the human standing there wondering what went wrong!

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